Donnerstag, 11. März 2010

Creative dangers

So, we have a decent internet connection again. After two weeks of only very small doses of the net, I'm back in the game. And very happy to be so. :) Most things I do at home involve the internet. And that is not because I was raised by the internet.

I actually grew up without internet. I think we got internet when I was 14 -somewhere around that age. The wonders of flatrate haven't reached humanity yet and we all - that was me and my two brothers - were only allowed a certain time on the net. And my parents got regularly pissed at us for spending to much time on the net. That was two hours a day - at max, when we reallly got crazy.

My Mom used to throw us out of the house, making us play outside. Today, I have the slight suspicion she did that not only because she wanted us to get some fresh air and do some kind of sports. It also prevented us three to run amok inside. We were extremely creative when it came to keeping ourselves busy in our home. Which usually involved hijacking all rooms for our purposes. ( Except maybe the bathroom, toilet and my parent's bedroom. I guess, even kids have some boundaries after all.) Which often led to distraught parents stumbling over parts of Playmobile-Santa Fe, nearly chocking themselves on one of our ski-lifts or having a picture broken by a fiercly battled football tournament in the hallway. It really was dangerous to have us in the flat for too long.

I remember once we piled up all matraces on one bed to built a slide. The slide didn't work that well, but my bed-lamp was completely broken afterwards. I think the really terrible thing for my parents was that they most of the time recognized our deep creativity and imagination and didn't want to kill that by forbidding any crazy idea of us, but didn't want to get killed in a freak accident stepping on a LEGO-pirate ship in the kitchen, smashing into the nearest wall and breaking their spine when crashing down on the floor again. So, throwing us in the garden maybe was the best solution for everyone. Although, come to think of it, when we got older and stopped our flat-hijackings- they must have got bored quickly. Otherwise, bringing cats into your home doesn't make any sense at all. ;)